Lugovoy park is a landscape park, monument of the landscape architecture of the 19 century. Main role in creating the composition of the new park belonged to meadows and ponds – water storage basins.

Along ten ponds, united by channels, separate segments of the Lugovoy park are situated. E.A. Peterson was an author of the idea of creating simulated meadows, an architect A. Schtakenschneider projected the buildings. I. Pilsudzki scheduled the plans of ponds united by channels and airlocks. Roads, landed arbors and bushes, small gardens at pavilions were formed according to the projects of the garden foreman P. Erlera.

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park

Lugovoy park


Pink pavilion ruins

Pink pavilion ruins

Pink pavilion ruins

Pink pavilion ruins

Pink pavilion ruins

Pink pavilion ruins

Belvedere pavilion

Belvedere pavilion

Belvedere pavilion

Belvedere pavilion

Church of the Holy Martyr Tsarina Alexandra

Church of the Holy Martyr Tsarina Alexandra

Church of the Holy Martyr Tsarina Alexandra

Church of the Holy Martyr Tsarina Alexandra

The Tsar’s mill

Miller’s cabin and a guardhouse.

The Tsar's mill. Miller's cabin and a guardhouse.

The Tsar's mill. Miller's cabin and a guardhouse.

The Tsar's mill. Miller's cabin and a guardhouse.

Shingarsky pond

Shingarsky pond

Shingarsky pond

Shingarsky pond

Shingarsky pond

Shingarsky pond

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30 Jun 2013