Summer Garden – the oldest park in Kronstadt. It was first time appeared in the 1806 city plan.
Dock pool
Monument to Alexander Alexandrovich Domashenko, midshipman of ship “Azov”.
Summer garden fence. Architect VV Vindelbandt. 1872-1873 years.
Monument to fallen members of the crew of the clipper “Oprichnik.”
Камень с укреплённой на нём табличкой: “Здесь будет заложен сквер в честь южнокорейского города-партнёра Санкт-Петербурга – Инчхон”.
Stone with sign on it: “Here is laid square in honor of South Korean partner city of St. Petersburg – Incheon.”
Petrovsky ravine.
Monument to VM Zhiltsov.
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