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The different types of arthritis

In rheumatology, scientists and doctors work hard to develop new treatments, new facts and even to learn why people suffer from conditions such as arthritis. One thing that they’ve uncovered is that there are a host of different types of arthritis today. If you are suffering from arthritis, chances are you have a specific condition that leads to the type of arthritis that you have. In rheumatology, doctors are working to help cure all forms, but it is important for you, as a patient, to be able to understand what makes your type of arthritis unique in comparison to the others out there.

The most common type of arthritis is that of osteoarthritis. Others include psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter’s Syndrome, Gout and Pseudogout. To understand the differences, consider this information about each of these conditions.

Each of these conditions are something that rheumatology wants to know more about. Understanding what is happening and why it is happening is essential to getting the patient the help they need. Since arthritis does effect millions of people every year and it is a debilitating condition, it is essential for doctors and scientists to work to develop alternative treatments and cures for these conditions. Each form of arthritis is unique, making their job that much more difficult.

By: Greg Marsh

For important information from Greg about rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, click the link.