Twentieth century Finnish art is represented by Two Girls of Juho Rissanen (1873-1950) and Morning in a Peasant House by Eero Nelimarkka (born 1891).

Also of interest is the sketch for the mural Children by Henry Ericksson (1898-1933) and the small wooden carvings of the popular sculptor and caricaturist Albin Kaasinen (born 1892) – Seeing off and In the Sauna.

Meunier’s realist traditions were continued by Roger Somville (born 1923)-A Miner from Borinage and Robert Crommelynck (born 1895)- Peat Worker. The exhibition is completed by the Old

Woman by Kurt Peiser (1887-1962) and Self-portrait by Francois Depooter (born 1898).

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3 May 2007